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Space Under Management: |
15,155,304.82 sqft. |
Total Properties: 69 |
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KSI Malaysian Property Excellence & Sustainability Award 2024 |
The Edge Best Managed & Sustainable Property Awards 2024: |
The Edge ESG Awards 2024 |
The Best of the Breeds REIT Awards 2024 |
The Best of the Breeds REIT Awards 2024 |
The Best of the Breeds REIT Awards 2024 |
The Best of the Breeds REIT Awards 2024 |
The Asset ESG Awards 2024 |
NACRA Excellence Awards 2024,
KSI Malaysian Property Icon Leadership Award 2023 - Leong Kit May |
The Edge Billion Ringgit Club 2023,
The Asset ESG Corporate Awards 2023,
Sin Chew Business Excellence Award 2023,
Copyright © 2025 AXIS REIT MANAGERS BERHAD 200401010947 (649450-W). All rights reserved.
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Data Protection NoticeThe personal data that we process and/or will process may include your name, contact details, email address, home address and mailing address and any other personal data derived from any documentation. Subject to the relevant laws, we may use your personal data for the following purposes: a. to enable us to discharge our contractual obligations; b. for data processing or reporting purposes; c. to comply with any legal and/or regulatory requirements; d. for billing and financial purposes, accounting and tax; e. to respond to your enquiries or complaint; f. to provide marketing materials about events, services and products; g. for contact purposes; and h. for any other purpose that is permitted by law and regulations. It is mandatory that you supply us your personal data so we may be able to satisfy the above purposes. If you do not provide us the personal data, we may not be able to carry out the above stated purposes. Your personal data is collected from various sources, including information you may have provided us, information from third parties and information in the public domain. We may transfer your personal data to our related entities or external service providers outside Malaysia for the above purposes. Subject to the requirement under the Act, if you would like to make any enquiries or complaints or request access or correction of your personal data, please contact us in writing using any of the following modes: Mailing Address : Penthouse, Menara Axis, No. 2 Jalan 51A/223, Petaling Jaya, 46100 Selangor, Malaysia Telephone No : +603 7958 4882 Fax No : +603 7957 6881 Email Address : info@axis-reit.com.my We may disclose your personal data to the following parties for the purposes stated above: a. our subsidiaries, related and associated companies; b. the supervisory, governmental or relevant authority; c. auditors, solicitors, professional advisors, insurer and financial institutions; and d. any person which we may engage for the purpose of performing or in connection with the performance of services or operational functions which have been outsourced. You hereby consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with all of the foregoing. We will seek your consent before using your personal data for purposes other than those stated above. DisclaimerThe information contained in this website is provided for information purposes only and in no way constitutes an offer of services or solicitation. You should rely on your own evaluation to assess the merits and risks of any investments. If you are in doubt, you should consult your professional advisers immediately. Past performance of Axis REIT is not indicative of future performance of Axis REIT. Axis REIT declines any responsibility with respect to direct or indirect damages or consequences of the inaccuracy of information included in the website, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. This website may contain certain forward looking statements. These forward looking statements are based upon current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available, but involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward looking statements, which are based on current view of management on future events. Axis REIT actual actions or results may differ materially from those discussed in the forward looking statements and Axis REIT undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward looking statements. Privacy Notice(Updated as of 26 July 2023) Axis REIT Managers Berhad, being the management company of Axis Real Estate Investment Trust (“Axis-REIT”) is committed to ensure the processing of personal data by us is in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“ PDPA”). This notice is issued pursuant to PDPA’s requirement to all persons who enter into any dealing or transaction(s) with Axis-REIT. The personal data that we process and/or will process may include your name, contact details, e-mail address, home address and mailing address and any other personal data derived from any documentation and such necessary data regarding yourself and your transaction(s) with us. Subject to the relevant laws, we may use your personal data for one or more of the following purposes:
We only collect personal data that is necessary to perform our functions and activities in the course of our dealings with you. It is obligatory that you supply us your personal data where required so that we may be able to satisfy the above purposes. If you do not provide us the personal data or consent to certain use of your personal data, we may not be able to carry out the above stated purposes. Your personal data is collected from various sources, including information you may have provided us, information from third parties and information in the public domain. We may transfer your personal data to our related entities or external service providers outside Malaysia (if any) for the above purposes. Subject always to our contractual rights and obligations under relevant laws and regulations, you may:
Any of your above requests may be made to Rebecca Leong, our Head of Compliance from the Compliance Department in writing using any of the following modes:
In relation to any such request, you should provide your full name, address, phone number and provide brief details of the information you want a copy of or information that you want to have corrected (as the case may be). We will use our best efforts to comply with your request to access or correct your personal data within 21 days of receipt of your request and the relevant processing fee (if applicable and where permitted under the applicable law). Kindly note that we may withhold access to your personal data if we are unable to verify your identity or where information requested for is confidential commercial information, or if the burden or expense of providing access is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy. We may also decline to comply with your data correction request if you have not supplied us with such information as we may reasonably require to ascertain in what way the personal data to which the data correction request relates is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up-to-date. Where applicable, we will inform you of the reasons for refusing your request(s). We may disclose your personal data to the following parties for the purposes stated above:
We take these measures to protect your personal data:
We will retain your personal data for as long as you have dealings with us and we will not keep your personal By providing us your personal data, you hereby consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with all of the foregoing. We will seek your consent before using your personal data for purposes other than those stated above. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and Bahasa Malaysia version of this notice, the English version shall prevail over the Bahasa Malaysia version. This Privacy Notice may be amended from time to time and the updated version shall supersede all previous versions (including physical copies, if any). You are encouraged to check our website periodically for our most up-to-date Privacy Notice. (Dikemaskini pada 26 Julai 2023) Axis REIT Managers Berhad sebagai syarikat pengurusan Axis Real Estate Investment Trust ("Axis REIT") komited untuk memastikan pemprosesan data peribadi oleh kami adalah mengikut Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“PDPA”). Notis ini dikeluarkan menurut keperluan PDPA kepada semua orang yang memasuki sebarang urusan atau transaksi dengan kami dan/atau Axis-REIT. Data peribadi yang diproses oleh kami atau akan diproses oleh kami mungkin termasuk nama anda, butirbutir hubungan, alamat e-mel, alamat kediaman dan alamat surat-menyurat dan apa-apa maklumat peribadi lain yang diperoleh daripada mana-mana dokumentasi dan data yang diperlukan berkenaan diri dan transaksi anda dengan kami. Tertakluk kepada undang-undang yang berkaitan, kami mungkin menggunakan data peribadi anda untuk satu atau lebih tujuan-tujuan berikut:
Kami hanya mengumpul data peribadi yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan fungsi dan aktiviti kami semasa berurusan dengan anda. Anda wajib membekalkan kami data peribadi anda jika diperlukan supaya kami dapat memenuhi tujuan di atas. Jika anda tidak memberikan kami data peribadi atau persetujuan untuk penggunaan maklumat peribadi anda yang tertentu, kami mungkin tidak mampu melaksanakan tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas. Maklumat peribadi anda dikumpul daripada pelbagai sumber, termasuk maklumat yang anda mungkin telah kemukakan kepada kami, maklumat daripada pihak ketiga dan maklumat dalam domain awam. Kami mungkin memindah data peribadi anda kepada entiti-entiti yang berkaitan dengan kami atau pembekal perkhidmatan luar yang berada di luar Malaysia (sekiranya ada) untuk tujuan-tujuan di atas. Tertakluk kepada hak-hak dan kawajipan kontrak kami di bawah undang-undang dan peraturan yang berkaitan, anda boleh;
Sebarang permintaan anda di atas boleh dibuat kepada Rebecca Leong, Ketua Pematuhan dari Jabatan Pematuhan kami secara betulis menggunakan mana-mana mod berikut:
Dalam setiap permintaan tersebut, anda harus memberikan nama penuh, nombor kad pengenalan/nombor pasport, alamat, nombor telefon anda dan memberikan butiran ringkas tentang maklumat yang anda inginkan atau maklumat yang anda ingin perbetulkan (mengikut keadaan). Kami akan menggunakan usaha terbaik kami untuk memenuhi permintaan anda untuk mendapatkan akses atau membuat pembetulan data peribadi anda dalam tempoh 21 hari selepas menerima permintaan bertulis dan borang permintaan yang lengkap dari anda dan yuran pemprosesan (jika berkenaan dan dibenarkan dibawah mana-mana undangundang yang berkenaan). Sila ambil perhatian bahawa kami mungkin menolak akses kepada data peribadi anda jika kami tidak dapat mengesahkan identiti anda atau apabila maklumat yang diminta adalah maklumat komersial yang sulit, atau jika beban atau perbelanjaan untuk menyediakan akses adalah tidak seimbang dengan risiko kepada privasi anda. Kami juga mungkin menolak permintaan pembetulan data anda jika anda tidak membekalkan kami maklumat sedemikian yang kami perlukan secara munasabah untuk memastikan cara bagaimana data peribadi yang berkaitan dengan permintaan pembetulan data adalah tidak tepat, tidak lengkap, mengelirukan atau tidak dikemaskini setakat ini. Kami akan memaklumkan anda sebab penolakan permintaan anda, jika berkenaan. Kami mungkin mendedahkan data peribadi anda kepada pihak-pihak berikut untuk tujuan-tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas:
Kami mengambil langkah-langkah ini untuk melindungi data peribadi anda:
Kami akan menyimpan data peribadi anda selagi anda berurusan dengan kami dan kami tidak akan menyimpan data peribadi anda lebih dari jangka masa yang diperlukan. Dengan mengemukakan kepada kami maklumat peribadi anda, anda dengan ini bersetuju untuk membenarkan pemprosesan data peribadi anda selaras dengan semua perkara-perkara di atas. Kami akan mendapatkan kebenaran anda sebelum menggunakan data peribadi anda untuk tujuan selain daripada yang dinyatakan di atas. Sekiranya terdapat ketidakseragaman antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dengan versi Bahasa Malaysia notis ini, maka versi Bahasa Inggeris notis ini akan digunapakai. Notis Privasi ini boleh dipinda dari semasa ke semasa dan versi yang dikemaskini akan menggantikan semua versi terdahulu (termasuk salinan fizikal, jika ada). Anda digalakkan untuk menyemak laman web kami dari semasa ke semasa untuk Notis Privasi kami yang terkini. |